
Location: Admont, 8911
Year: 2023-
Status: in progress
Program: new building structure, semi-detached house, garden- and ensemble design
Area: 230 m2 + various outbuildings + garden
Pictures and drawings by nema

guiding principle 'Weiterbauen - klassisches Ensemble'
Location: Munich
Year: 2023
Status: competition entry
Program: new building structure, apartment building, garden design
Area: 10000 m2 + underground garage + garden
Pictures and drawings by nema

Leistbarer Wohnraum für Alle, soziale Gerechtigkeit, Gemeinschaft, Nachhaltigkeit, Anpassbarkeit und Flexibilität, ... wesentliche Zielsetzungen die in einen ökonomischen Rahmen gegossen werden wollen. Das angestrebte Programm sieht dafür eine hohe bauliche Dichte inklusive eines hocheffizienten Schlüssels von Nutzfläche zu umbautem Raum vor. Dazu gesellt sich der Anspruch von permanenter und nutzungsorientierter Flexibilität des Wohnbaus und einem breiten Angebot an Gemeinschaftsflächen.
Der erste Schritt zur Implementierung der Ziele ist ein leistungsstarker Raster. Angepasst an Anforderungen wie Barrierefreiheit, Kernwohnungs- und Zimmergrößen, Stellplatz- und Erschließungsbreiten, sowie wirtschaftlichen Achsabständen des Tragsystems soll er für einen hohen Vorfertigungsgrad, effiziente Schachtführung, Flexibilität in der Kombinatorik der Räume udgl sorgen. In Kombination mit dem angestrebten Raumprogramm und dem Bebauungsplan, ergibt sich so im groben eine Bebauungsstruktur, welche wir im Raster mit den Kernwohnungen und deren Erweiterungsflächen durchsetzen. Dabei gliedern wir in Subeinheiten, welche als vorgefertigte Boxen errichtet und auf die Baustelle gebracht werden können. Unsere Box hat dabei ein Maß von 12,45*4,15*3,05 m (l*b*h) und wird wahlweise in Holz oder bspw Bauteilen aus recyceltem Beton gedacht. Je nach Ausrichtung und Anordnung durchgesteckt oder mit innenliegender Erschließung, gibt es zwei leicht unterschiedliche Ausführungen von ihr. Sie ist so konstruiert, dass sie TGA und Bauteildicken sowie Installationen reduziert, und gleichzeitig flexibel bleibt. So flexibel, dass es für ihre Bewohner:innen wirtschaftlich sinnvoll bleibt sie anzupassen. So sollte gewährleistet sein, dass auf jegliche Veränderung schnell und kostengünstig reagiert werden kann, d.h. eine permanente Flexibilität leistbar ist und die Wohnung nicht in einer ‚Erstflexibilität‘ stecken bleibt. So soll sie möglichst einfach wachsen, schrumpfen und ‚atmen‘ können. Wir wählen dafür eine Kombination aus zwei Systemen. Einerseits einem Kern, welcher mit Türen bzw Türrahmen an einem neuralgischen Punkt positioniert ist, um so sehr simpel und ohne großen Aufwand zwei oder mehr Räume schalten zu können. Andererseits der gezielte Einsatz von einigen wenigen Sollbruchstellen in Zwischenwänden, welche ein großzügiges Öffnen von Räumen zueinander ermöglichen soll. So lassen sich einfach und in unterschiedlicher Weise nach Bedarf, Kernwohnungen über Kombiräume erweitern oder zu Wohnungsgemeinschaften zusammenschließen. Erweitert wird das wohnungsnahe Raumprogramm durch Erschließungsräume für Subgemeinschaften und eigene Freibereiche, vorzugsweise in den Innenhof oder die ‚Grüne Gasse‘.
Die meisten nicht wohnungsgebunden Allgemeinflächen befinden sich im Erdgeschoss und orientieren sich zu den quartiersbezogenen Straßen. Die so ausgerichteten Fassaden folgen einerseits dem Wunsch nach einem starken städtischen Ausdruck, sowie dem gewählten Raster und wirtschaftlichen Überlegungen zu Serialität, ohne dabei eintönig oder banal zu werden. Dem menschlichen Maßstab wird dabei durch eine gezielte Varianz in Gestaltung und Gliederung Rechnung getragen. So wurde eine ‚städtische Kante‘ zum Quartier umgesetzt, welche im Verlauf über die ‚grünen Gasse‘ eine Auflockerung erfährt und schließlich im Innenhof über Laubengänge, Balkone und Loggien sowie Dachgärten gänzlich extrovertiert anmutet. Hier soll zwischen den Häuser, unterstützt durch die Freiraumgestaltung des Innenhofs, ein lebendiges, grünes, gemeinschaftliches, buntes ‚Dorf‘ entstehen. Durchgesteckte Allgemeinbereiche in den Hof ermöglichen ein Innen nach Außen, wobei der HUB inklusive zweigeschoßigem Durchgang am ‚Grünboulevard‘ das wesentliche verbindende Element hierzu darstellen soll und zusammen mit Gemeinschaftsküche und Waschsalon einen lebendigen Knoten bildet. Das nahe Mikrogewerbe und die Gästeappartements aktivieren die Lage zum ‚Grünboulevard‘ weiter. An der Ringstraße befinden sich, gut angebunden und ebenfalls in den Innenhof durchgesteckt, Hpkj, Fahrradfoyer und - leihstation sowie Werkstatt inkl einer eigenen Fahrradrampe ins Untergeschoss.
Location: Vienna, 1100
Year: 2022
Status: concept
Program: interior design
Area: 30 m2
Pictures and drawings by nema

guiding principle 'Einfache Tektonik'
Location: Vienna, 1180
Year: 2022
Status: competition entry
Program: new building structure, apartment building
Area: 700 m2
Pictures and drawings by nema

guiding principle 'Harte Kante, grüner Kern'
Location: Vienna, 1180
Year: 2022
Status: competition entry
Program: new building structure, apartment building
Area: 550 m2
Pictures and drawings by nema

guiding principle 'Stadtvilla in den Baumkronen'
Location: Vienna, 1140
Year: 2022-2024
Status: completed
Program: new building structure, semi-detached house
Area: 350 m2
Pictures and drawings by nema

Two-family house, solitaire, working with the environment, built on a hillside, in the middle of nature, use of context, guiding principle 'Genius Loci' - house becomes part of the surrounding, two residential units with equal rights, solid wood construction, 'Thoma Holzbau', clay, principle 'Einfach Bauen', simple monolithic building - wooden 'stone' sculpture, perforated haptic facade, roof as accent, open plan living - structured by split levels, smart vertical development,
interior: wood - clay - warm colors - textile
Location: Retzbach, 2070
Year: 2021-
Status: in progress
Program: extension and conversion of a house + garden design
Area: 300 m2
Pictures and drawings by nema

Family residence, complex structures, sophisticated room plan, flexible, optimized existing buildings and garden, entangled room concept, between privacy and community, guiding principle 'Hauptdarsteller Garten', blurred borders between inside and outside, reorganization and reorientation of existing buildings, new generosity, back to traditional typologies e.g. veranda and inner courtyard, private garden and vegetable patch, spacious 'Gartenparterre', visual and organizational reorganization of the existing building, courageous interventions and elegant calmness, hybrid and flexible room program, horizontal and vertical interlocking, bright, wide, generous, flexible like life
Location: Vienna, 1050
Year: 2021
Status: completed
Program: interior design
Area: 20 m2
Pictures and drawings by nema

'Miethaus Langer' by Joze Plecnik, respect and accentuation of the original interior, guiding principle 'Roter Faden', tidy neutrality, calmness and an accent, generous, soft dynamic materiality, space divided into two by lamps and lambris
Location: Vienna, 1090
Year: 2021
Status: concept
Program: apartment remodeling & interior design
Area: 130 m2 + 40 m2
Pictures and drawings by nema

House above the city, top floor - expansion, noble, two-storey, spacious, conversion, fine interior, complex space allocation program, central idea 'Knüpfen', intertwined rooms, flexible, dynamic, clarity, clear material language, spatial dramaturgy using material and form
Location: Hofamt Priel, 3681
Year: 2020-2022
Status: completed
Program: new building structure - ensemble and garden design
Area: 50 + 30 + 10 + 30 m2 + garden
Pictures and drawings by nema


On the countryside, secluded, hillside location, great view of Danube and mountains, conversion of existing building, four new buildings, 'pool house' + 'sauna' + 'pool' + 'courtyard house', orchard, main idea 'Streuobst', loose spreading, natural, thrown in, between trees, sustainable construction and energy production, 'Einfach Bauen', two structures 'worked' out of the ground, exposed concrete, single-shell, solid, monolithic, two structures grow along the slope, timber construction, CLT, light, airy, orientation based on views, connecting wooden platforms, 'Pool house' height development with the slope, split level, round room centering on the inside, open room program, each room with its own lighting mood and view
Location: Seebenstein, 2824
Year: 2020-
Status: in progress
Program: extension and conversion of a Harry Glück house
Area: 90 + 15 m2
Pictures and drawings by nema

Harry Glück, bungalow, ancient castle park, detached, spacious, extension limited in size, revitalization, guiding principle 'Vielfaches Ganzes', multifunctional, flexible, intimate private garden, comfort and security, continued stepped typology, protected outlooks and insights, large space requirement, addition as pavilion, coquetry with garden shed, flowing inside to outside
Location: Vienna, 1140
Year: 2020
Status: concept
Program: apartment remodeling & interior design
Area: 150 m2
Pictures and drawings by nema

Building stock 'Classic', noble, multi-party dwelling, bel étage, entire floor, spacious, guiding principle 'Konterkariert', stock refinement and upgrade, dissolution of spatial boundaries, flowing, colourful, lively, strong connection to the garden, each 'room' with its own character, e.g. 'Red Salon' or 'Green Bar'
Location: Vienna, 1030
Year: until 2019
Status: completed
Program: residential complex
Pictures and drawings by nema
Work at behf architects

"Seven renowned architectural firms have designed ten individual buildings according to architectural guiding principles by BEHF Architects. Thanks to the well though-out concept, THE ENSEMBLE presents itself as a lively, varied and modern residential area; privately financed, but based on the qualities of the Vienna housing model. Directly on the Danube Canal, opposite the recreational and leisure area of the Prater, about 800 high-quality apartments that blend seamlessly with an expansive surrounding park space are available.
The project offers a rich mixture of townhouses, family residences, apartments with gardens, temporary apartments, alternative forms of housing, as well as shops for the daily needs. The main urban development elements of the new traffic-free zone are the definition of the new edge of the city and a vast area of open spaces. Amounting to approximately 21,500 m², the open and landscaped park areas make up 2/3 of the entire building plot.
In addition, BEHF Architects has created two residential buildings on the building plots 8 and 9 that represent the most appealing area of the development site. Featuring striking red facades, the structures subtly reference the history of the district as a commercial zone. The buildings are divided horizontally according to a classical tripartite scheme into a plinth zone, middle floors with a variety of apartment types and a top penthouse floor. The exterior of the plinth levels is clad in high-quality red brick, while the middle part and the penthouse floor are covered with red-rendered facades. The buildings feature decorative mouldings around windows, patios and balconies. Organised in an orthogonal grid pattern upon the facade, these lend a characteristic appearance with high recognition value to the ensemble’s exterior.
While the buildings make a clear strong edge along the streets and the parking area, the side facing an intimate inner courtyard appears “softer” with its wavy bay windows and cantilever balconies.
The building on the plot 8 is accessed via two-storey entrances from the sculptural plinth base. A kindergarten with direct access to the playground in the courtyard is placed in the plinth zone.
The residences consisting of two, three or four bedrooms are distributed over the floors above. Each apartment has a separate large open space in the form of balconies or patios.
The building on the adjacent plot 9 is divided, above the two-storey plinth, into two individual building units. The open spaces between the two units dissolve the perimeter block housing and enable stringent floor plans.
A spacious retail area for local supplies is located in the plinth zone. On the floors above, there are so-called “townhouses” generously equipped with separate private gardens. The apartments distributed over other floors of the building are similar to those in the building on the plot 8 and provide open spaces.
The highest point of the complex on the corner of Erdberger Lände / Drorygasse expresses itself clearly as a strong architectural signal within this new urban destination in Vienna."
Location: Vienna, 1020
Year: until 2019
Status: completed
Program: residential complex
Pictures and drawings by nema
Work at behf architects

Architizer a+awards 2020, special mention
Architecture masterprize 2020, honorable mention
Residential buildings of the year 2021, auszeichnung

"The area around the former Nordbahnhof (Vienna North Railway Station) in the second district is currently one of the largest development areas in Vienna. BEHF Architects has been commissioned to develop four high-quality residential buildings planned for Vorgartenstrasse street as part of the Urban Development Plan “Freie Mitte – Vielseitiger Rand”, created by StudioVlayStreeruwitz. A central feature of the masterplan is the development and conservation of attractive green areas and open spaces in-between the buildings, alongside the railway line of the former Nordbahnhof train station. The newly completed residential towers conclude the neighbourhood on Vorgartenstrasse street and integrate it with the proposed urban wilderness park.
The development extends along the street Vorgartenstrasse, and rises from a base containing one- and two-storey courtyard apartments to its top-floor residences sitting above middle floors with a variety of apartment types. The tallest of the towers has 8 floors. A wide green strip along the street line resembles traditional look and character of Vienna’s Vorgartenstrasse street. It is divided into smaller gardens connected with a central green zone “Freie Mitte” by a network of pathways spread through the new residential area. The design blends the towers seamlessly into a natural landscape, adding lush greenery in-between the buildings.
The new builds are designed to ensure a clever flow between the various levels, from the courtyard apartments to the top floors. Two towers located on the building plots 1 and 2 are connected by a common plinth that provides a special residential typology, offering ground-floor apartments with large patios.
The buildings located on the plots 1, 3 and 4 contain six apartment units on each storey, accessed by the same stairway. The units on the building plot 2 are accessed via pergolas, while the ground-floor apartments with patios on the plot 2, as well as the units on the plot 5 are directly accessible from the pathways developed through the residential area. The outcome is an optimal arrangement of the apartments and openness to the outdoors from each side. The positions of the entrances vary for each building.
The design of the towers allows for active ground floors through a combination of not only common areas but also apartments. The gardens along the street create a smooth transition from the streetscape to the buildings.
Each apartment has a separate open space in the form of loggias or private gardens. Floor-to-ceiling windows create bright, lively spaces and provide breathtaking, panoramic views of the city of Vienna.
The towers feature a clinker brick facade, whose materiality pays homage to the former railway station Wien Nord (North Vienna) while maintaining a strong identity in the new urban district that is coming into being.
The highly articulated, punctuated facades are defined by a pattern of horizontal metal bands that divide the buildings’ heights into single and two-storey levels and change the proportions of the buildings. The position of wooden window openings that have been developed as “French windows” varies slightly across the different sections of the buildings. Thus, the towers appear lively and playful. The colour of railings matches the colour of the clinker facade and gives the buildings a uniform appearance with high recognition value.
Traffic calming measures have been implemented due to the special location in the urban environment directly adjacent to high-quality recreational areas – existing or in development.
BEHF’s concept for the residential complex Vorgartenstrasse 98-106 complies with the city’s low-cost housing policy and ensures the affordability of housing. At the same time, the chosen architectural language guarantees a timeless quality and tranquility in a young and dynamic development area of the city of Vienna."
Location: Vienna, 1030
Year: until 2018
Status: completed
Program: residential complex
Pictures and drawings by nema
Work at behf architects

"The project LAENDYARD, Erdberger Lände 26 operates as an urban hinge to connect the city with the water. Due to the definition of the Danube Canal as the target area in the Urban Development Plan 2005 and the identification of the right and left banks of the Danube as attractive spaces for leisure and residential uses, a new look of the quarter LAENDYARD at Erdberger Lände has been created.
Situated on the banks of the Danube Canal, opposite the recreational and leisure area of the Prater, and directly adjacent to the city center, the project represents a historic opportunity for the district to create a stronger link between the city and the Danube Canal. At the same time, it develops a unique and lively neighbourhood, and a new urban destination in Vienna.
The urban development model “Waterfront Erdberger Lände” has been the guiding concept in creating a visible water’s edge as well as a connection of the residential district with the green areas of the Danube Canal and the Prater by a network of pathways.
On the site itself, a high-quality pedestrian environment has been created. The Louise-Martini-Weg promenade forms a pedestrian, longitudinal passage through the new residential areas. The building units have been set back 5 metres from a property boundary in order to provide space for a second row of trees. Due to traffic calming measures implemented at Erdberger Lände and attractive ground floor uses, the promenade appears as an urban boulevard with direct access to the water.
The building units at Erdberger Lände 26 “North” stand at a clear right angle along Erdberger Lände and the neighborhood of Henkel-Werke. They open up in a form of a park to the southwest. A commercial area and garage entrances are oriented towards the Lände, whereas the ground floor apartments with private gardens and children’s playgrounds are oriented towards the open courtyards.
The ensemble of towers comprises 269 apartments which range from 41 to 154 square metres in size, i.e. consist of one to five bedrooms. Thus, the coexistence of a variety of family forms and life styles in the new district is possible. Each apartment has a separate open space in the form of balconies, loggias or terraces. Of particular note are two and three-storey maisonettes with larger and smaller gardens, positioned south and southeast. As a result, high quality, lively living spaces are created on the ground floors facing away from the street. The apartments are connected via naturally illuminated walkways. The complex comprises 156 underground parking spaces in a 1-storey underground car park.
The clear and strict building structures of LAENDYARD, Erdberger Lände 26 “North” appear as a coherent, rhythmical whole. The participating architects have agreed to use a uniform selection of materials and colours in order to formulate the ensemble in such a way that it appears related, but at the same time distinct. As a result, an ensemble of buildings with high recognition value has been developed.
The building unit facing the Canal and the street Erdberger Lände appears as a woven structure with vertically arranged window frames. It features bright, irregularly spaced bands with pre-cast concrete components. Anodised aluminum window frames incorporated into the gaps between these bands create playful shadows to add a dynamic expression on the facade. Another structure features continuous railing made of shiny, powder-coated flat steel, which contrasts the dark background covered with thermal insulation facade with floor to ceiling windows.
With the completion of LAENDYARD, Erdberger Lände 26 “North”, BEHF Architects has developed a vibrant neighbourhood of Vienna with high quality of life which enlivens the area by the water’s edge and creates a stronger and more visible link between the city and the Danube."
Location: Vienna, 1010
Year: until 2018
Status: completed
Program: residential complex
Pictures and drawings by nema
Work at behf architects

"In the heart of the historic centre of Vienna, only a few minutes walk from St. Stephen’s Cathedral, BEHF Architects and MITTERMAIR Architekten have converted the former office premises of Erste Bank situated above the legendary Café Korb into 69 inviting apartments on about 12,000 square metres. In order to comply with the city’s low-cost housing policy and ensure the affordability of housing, the architects have developed compact units, a large portion of which are smaller than 50 square metres in size. This historic complex overlooks the city of Vienna, and through the apartments’ large glass windows provides breathtaking views of well-known neighbouring sites such as St. Stephen’s Cathedral or the Zacherlhaus designed by Jože Plečnik.
Thanks to its exceptional central location, the Korb Etagen complex is just steps away from a vast pedestrian zone of the first district of Vienna, one of Europe’s most liveable cities, and its luxurious shopping and dining as well as most famous historical sites.
The Korb Etagen complex was built between 1902 and 1904. On its grand opening day in 1904, Café Korb had Emperor Franz Joseph I in attendance. This local hotspot owns its name to the stucco work resembling a basket (German: “der Korb”) which was developed at the time. It was one of the first meeting points for Freud’s “Vienna Psychoanalytic Society” and to this date a favourite café amongst Nobel Prize winners.
In June 2018, the architects completed the conversion of the six-storey building based on the style of the 1960s, when the entire property was renovated. The design strategy was to revamp the building true to its original and adjust it to modern standards of energy efficiency.
In the interior, unique parts of the original design such as a marble clad staircase with its 1960s handrail made of gold-coloured cast aluminium were carefully refurbished. It is now possible to experience the elegant charm of the 1960s in these areas.
To return it to its former glory, the architects rejuvenated the ground floor natural stone-clad facade. Above, the striking facade featuring a mosaic work made up of small pieces of stone was extended. The regular window openings were developed as “French windows” and extended down to the ground. The three existing building units were merged under a single roof into a new structure to create a desired harmony between old and new buildings in the urban fabric. The architects developed balconies and terraces oriented towards the courtyard. The top floor apartments were enriched with dormers in a pearl gold colour.
The careful modernisation injected new life into Vienna’s historic complex. Reviving the charm of tradition that can now be felt inside these walls, the architects intensified the authenticity of the building and created a new presence of this historic structure in a dynamic neighbourhood."
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